Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summer Conference - Day 1: all smiles

Finally have time to document my summer conference experience! Eons from now, when we’re all wearing silver attire, I’ll look back at this glorious weekend. =)

DAY 1: PRE SUMMER CONFERENCE (Fri., July 31, 2009)

@ approx 7:45am (in Cantonese, on the bus)
Mom – Julie-ah, why don’t you invite me to your events?
Julie – what’re you talkin’ about?
Mom – you’re leaving this weekend and you didn’t invite me...
Julie – O_O” oh, I didn’t know you wanted to go... You know it’s a church-thing, right?
Mom – yeah, I’ll go, have some fun... but I need to come home Sunday afternoon because I have a party to go to that night.
Julie – we’re leaving tmw, let me see what I can do about the ride and accommodations for you... just to confirm, you’re not kidding around, right?! You seriously wanna come???
Mom – let me get back to you... call me at 1pm...

@ approx 9:10am (just booted up my comp @ work)
I emailed...
- Dawn (conf admin) to ask about the registration, cost and room situation
- Albert (my ride) to give her a ride to the conference
- Ronald (the only person coming back on Sunday) to give her a ride back to T.O
- Level 2 (small grp) for massive prayers
- Joanne and Cavina (mentor & mentee) for massive prayers

@ approx 11:00am (still have yet to do any work...)
After slowing down our network w/ all my emails bouncing everywhere, I discovered many things. Amazing things. For example:
1. Yes, we can accommodate her for the conf @ a lower cost since she’s only there for 2 days
2. The only room available was the room attached to mine because that person (Leanne) couldn’t make it to the conf until Sunday
3. Ronald & wife (whose name escapes me), not only can give her a ride back, but they’re also a part of the Conto congregation, thus they can have potentially great conversation in the car!
4. Albert moved around his ride situation to accommodate my mom

@ approx 1pm (I called the mom...)

Julie – Wai? It’s Julie... so have you decided whether or not you’re going to come? You have a room next to mine, a ride there and back on Sunday, and everything is good to go.
Mom – okay, I’ll come.
Julie – REALLY?! Don’t be playin’ me, woman. You’re seriously coming??
Mom – YES!
Julie – ^__^ YYAAAAYYYY!! Okay, we’ll pack tonight – it’s only 1 night! YAY - I’m so happy!
Mom – okay, now go back to work. You’re going to get me in trouble. Bye!
Julie – YYYAAAAAYYY!!! BYE!! =)


As you can see, this was a pretty happy day for me. Everything fit perfectly like O.J’s glove. During the conference was something else... especially since I sat in with the Canto congregation all 3 days. It was wonderful! A lot of insights; a lot of learning; a lot of fun... to say the least. I’d like to think that I’ve changed. Day2 blog to come.

In honour of this momentous day, I made-up a (not very good) riddle while sitting on the crapper:

What is something that, when there is more of it, becomes less of what it is? In other words: the nature of it changes – almost depreciates - when it’s more plentiful...
Answer: A coincident.