Saturday, April 08, 2006


As you may or may not know, OOTO stands for: Out Of The Ordinary... yes, I made it up. So here are some interesting things that happened today (besides completing the dumbest exam ever):

  • On my way to school, I saw a little note posted on the wall of the bus shelter at Victoria Park and Finch. It read,“FOUND! A set of keys from Victoria Park and Sheppard. Call _____.” Isn’t that amazing? Someone would go so far out of their way to put a little message for a complete stranger that lost their keys. I think it was so sweet I just had to write about it here.
  • On my way home, waiting at another stop, there was a brown lady who was singing in her language. It sounded pretty accurate and similar to the limited amount of traditional brown people music I’ve heard. It was beautiful. And I don’t use the term “brown” as a discriminatory-racial remark, I do it because I can’t tell a difference between Persian, Pakistani, Indian, Sri Lan’kan, Tamil or any other people with darker skin tones. Heck, I can’t even tell a difference between yellow-skinned people.
  • And lastly, at Tim Horton’s, there was a lady entertaining a little baby by making sounds... it was really funny and even more distracting than anything I’ve experienced at a coffee shop. She made sounds like a fast-forwarding taped-recorded conversation, an inverted bomb sound (so instead of the bomb falling, it was going back up), mini quick farting noises, and high-pitched “la la la”-ing... this is on top of the typical baby-language sounds and the I’m-tackling-a-baby sounds (i.e. “ahh-goo-chee-goo-chee-gooooo”).
OH!! And I finally won in roll-up-the-rim! 1 of 9 chances my butt... more like 1 of 27 chances. Anyway, yeah - FREE COFFEE! WOO! ^__^


Anonymous said...

Scam alert!!!

So, the person found the keys posts that gibberish at the intersection, the owner sees it and calls the number, the finder gots caller ID and now knows the person's phone number. Do some search with the Internet, and bam! - the finder knows the address. Next thing you know, the owner leaves for work one day, and comes home to find out that everything they owned is GONE! A lot more of a lost then copying the key for a stinkin 1 dollar at the dollar store.

Anonymous said...

Or even better:

Sweet nice guy finds a key on the ground, "oh I'm a nice guy, look at me!" posts that lost thing on the bus shelter. Meanwhile, across the street, the po pos are looking in from across the street and staps mr. nice guy with a 200dollar fine for posting gibberish on the shelter. BWAHA...

The owner, feeling down for loosing his keys, goes to the dollar store and makes a copy of his keys. Shitty day, but all is solved with a simple dollar. Oh well!

Anonymous said...

btw julie, you suck bwahahha

Anonymous said...

btw julie, quit being racist. bwahaaha

Anonymous said...

Remember the time when I called u and was like "YOU SUCK", and then I hung up? And then I called back, and was like, "hey, seriously, I gotta ask u something... YOU SUCK!" and den hung up. and then I called you again and was like "hey you going any- YOU SUCK!" and then hungup again? good times, julie. GOOD TIMES!

Will said...

oh, you got PUNK'D!

and it's not really "winning" if you had to pay for 27 cups of coffee to win one cup of coffee. It's more like charity...

Everybody gets a coffee day kinda thing.