Wednesday, April 21, 2010

just give it to me

There is nothing better than honesty. It's a character trait which demands so much, yet gives back so little in comparison.

When it comes to telling the truth, it puts important things on the line... because half the time it gets welcomed by disgust, anger, hatred, pain and judgement. As that saying goes, “You can't handle the [ugly] truth!” People sacrifice relationships/friendships, careers, political gain, pride/ego/reputation, money, safety, etc... only for the sake of exposing the truth. Beautiful. A modern day martyr.

I guess we can sugar coat our statements... you know, make it softer on the ears... but usually that takes a lot of time and beating around the bush. As a stickler for efficiency; less words, more concise phrasing, appropriate timing is greatly appreciated. I'm learning to love, more and more, the world's blunt people.

Honesty, truth, genuineness, frankness, integrity...

In the words of Homer Simpson (taken out of context, of course), “'s the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.”

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