Friday, July 01, 2011

here fishy fishy

I recently watched the massacre of the fish Janet caught, killed, and ate... and I thought to myself... damn, I'd hate to be that fish.

Even though I can't swim, I somehow managed to picture myself as a random fish just swimming around in the lake, nibbling on algae and hangin' out in the school... (ha – pun intended)

Today, however, something came into my sight... something new... something gorgeous... something strangely enticing... A DELICIOUS WORM!! Word on the street was that the Worm was probably the best thing on the water menu. The. Best. Thing. Ever. It presumably put the algae diet to SHAME.

There is also a rumour that surrounds the consumption of the Worm... apparently, eating it is a risk. Apparently those who've tasted the Worm either loved it and became obsessed with it... or they were to never be seen again. Strange. I don't know anyone personally who's tried it though. How bad can it be?

To make a long story short, I basically took the risk and engulfed the Worm... and it blew my mind. Literally. To my surprise, the inside of the Worm was a metal spear that penetrated through my jaw and forced into my brain. It didn't hurt... I only felt a surge of coldness permeate every inch of my body... the next thing I knew, I was suffocated, beaten, had my skin ripped off, all my insides pulled out and was burned. That was the end of it – the end of me.

...humm... this story can take many forms and teach many different life lessons... but for today, this will be mine: listen to the advice of others and look before you leap because not everything needs to be learned the hard way. If what you're chasing after is something truly good for you, then proceeding with caution shouldn't cause it to go away; it should only delay it... but the delay will only make that good thing taste even sweeter.

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