Monday, March 21, 2005

just be quiet

I find that a common tendency within a group of friends is that, when one person in the group hates someone; everyone else will eventually dislike that person also. It doesn’t matter how nice that person is to other people within that group, that individual is still ostracized.

All this ‘he said/she said’ crap is annoying. Stop talking about situations that don’t involve you, nor do you have all the information to. You think you’re getting all you need to know from one side of the story? YOU’RE WRONG. You hear one side and you choose that side to back up. What’s worse is when you get the opportunity to hear the other side, you dive into the conversation with these preconceived notions of how the other person is and what you hear is skewed…

And at the origin of gossip is the “victim”. The person that (more often than not) conveniently leaves out certain details and twists words to have the audience convinced that they are the innocent party in the whole tribulation. This plague of words spreads onward to more and more people and IT WORSENS! WHAT WAS ALREADY DISTORTED MUTATES FROM EAR TO EAR UNTIL THERE’S A WHOLE MASS OF INDIVIDUALS WHO BECOME BLIND TO ANY POSSIBLE TRUTH!!

WHAT DO YOU ACCOMPLISH BY GOSSIPING?? WHAT?? TELL ME!! The satisfaction that you’re “apart” of a problem you’re somehow indirectly related to? The pleasure of ridding your boredom by talking about others? The approval of your peers who also heard the same BS?

You don’t know anything and you judge.

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