Tuesday, November 30, 2004

why girls suck

it's a harsh fact, ladies, but it's true. a majority of girls suck (and i'm not talking about "sucking" litterally). you can disagree all you want, but i can guarantee that at least ONE of the characteristics i've listed below can apply to you. these things aren't permanent, we can change if we really wanted to... but it's in our nature.

no doubt that boys suck, but that's another chapter.

now then, here is a list of why girls suck (in no particular order):
  • we expect things we don't ask for --> these things can be matericalistic (ex. a gift for petty occasions) or some kind of action (ex. opened doors, complements, etc.). when we don't get it, we're not seriously depressed, just a little disappointed.
  • we never know what we want from people --> if we're upset at someone and they ask us what we want them to do, we don't know! it's like a "you should know"-typa deal.
  • when we flirt or joke around, we expect the other party will play along --> it doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend or not, or if you're a girl yourself, it's manners to humour us.
  • BUT going along with that, not every little action is a "subtle sign of affection"... we may just be friendly, not flirty. up to you to decide what is what.
  • we're selfish and stubborn --> everyone's selfish in some aspect or another, but when we want something (someone), we'll do whatever it takes to get it (until we realize that there's absolutely no way of getting whatever it is... and this realization usually comes when it's too late).
  • there's usually no logical explaination of how we feel, when we feel it (unless it's PMS). please don't think we' just trying to hide something or we're mad at you... because for the most part, there is no logical explaination to satisfy you. For example, if i say, "i'm not feeling too good today." Don't continuously ask me questions like, "was it something i did? was it something you ate? did you get in an agruement? is it that time of month? what happened?!" Guys, show your concern and comfort us, but don't be a broken record of questions.
That's about all i have thus far... if you have any comments, i urge you to respond. this way, i'll know who to add on my "to kill" list.


Darren said...

haha you girls do suck.. you girls are always so demanding... i want this! do this for me! i want a hug! why didn't you do this for me? blah blah blah the list goes on!! haha but then again i don't mind giving out hugs to sexy ladies ;) (Julie do you need a hug?) haha

LoL Brian might get jealous though.. since you'll be hugging a better male specimen than him (me)

lol all jokes aside.. i'm anxious to read what you have to say about Why Guys suck.

take cares jubez

Brian said...

the crap did you say darren??!!

i'm going to rape you.

yea....u'd like that wouldn't? when u least suspect it, i'm going to slap you in the mouth and rape you!

Darren said...

HAHAHA BRING IT BRIAN!! WHen you think i least suspect you.. i'll slap you and rape you!! haha