Monday, April 18, 2005

even giants fall

What’s worse than discovering a bruise on your body, that got there without you knowing? ... I’ll tell you what's worse... discovering a lump.

This morning in the shower, I found a lump in my right armpit. IN – not on.
It’s like the size of a pea, it’s hard and it doesn’t hurt. You can’t see it if I were to just lift my arm, but you can definately feel it.

I’m getting it checked out on Tuesday at a walk-in clinic. Mother said it should be nothing, but as much as I respect her and hope she’s right, how does she know?

From what I’ve learned, I think it could be 1 of 3 things:

  1. a clogged &/or swollen sweat gland
  2. an enflamed lymph node
  3. cancer

If you have time, please pray for this... I know I shouldn't be, but I’m scared...

1 comment:

Will said...

swing and a miss! false alarm! Praise God!