Saturday, April 09, 2005


The Oracles…
What comes to mind when you think of this team?
That they’re “hardcore”? “Snobby”? “Over competitive”? “Only cares about winning”? Something along that line?

Well, let me tell you that I know what it’s like to be an Oracle firsthand and I can tell you that you’re all wrong. People (Christians and non-Christians alike) judge us so negatively when they are too close-minded to see past rumors and lies. What have you seen beyond the playing field?
Have you seen that we all go out to eat and chill during the week and after games?
Have you seen the msn conversations between players out of the softball?
Have you seen the closeness and the bonds that were formed and left unbroken after the season has ended?
Have you seen the tears, the sharing; the love that was poured out after our last game?

People have said we stack out team every year. Their proof is how everyone plays well. But did it ever occur to them that the reason is because players WANT to learn and coaches WANT to teach them? There are so many players who have never touched a softball, but because they wanted to learn and they tried their best, they looked like they can play. Oracles don’t ask us to be superstars. They don’t ask us to even have experience. All the Oracles want is for every player to try their best. Make an effort; to make games, practices, outings, but more importantly, make an effort to know each other.

My memories (most recent season):
- I remember talking to Steve O online before I even met him. He was so fun to talk to and we added each other to all these online communities and stuff.
- The 5 girls – Allison, Bernice, Sam, Judy and I – would do these only-girls hang out times to watch movies and for dinners and stuff.
- There were nights when all the people at practice would time each other to see how long it takes for each person to run from home plate to 1st base
- Matt had his pants fly off while he was running... he was THAT fast. = )
- Joe had iced tea split on him when we were at Swiss Chalet
- Everyone wanted to bat all the time in practices and we’d try to go until we absolutely couldn’t.
- Sam asking to be drilled; tossing balls quickly at her & her running around to catch them
- Judy willingly making all those little candy packages for all the teams we played
- Dan making up a cheer for us to “Jump! Jump!” and tossing Thumper around

How I’ve changed?
- I learned that a group of strangers can become family in the span of 2 months
- I came to realize that no matter how many times people say they “don’t judge by appearances”, they don’t truly know until they’re your friend.

Every year I was an Oracle, this team wasn’t just a team; it was family. MY family. Say what you will about us, but until you become an Oracle yourself, everything you say are just assumptions.


Darren said...

Ahem to that my sister! Oracles will miss your spunkiness and coolness and I'll miss your spunkiness and coolness =p

Will said...

Joe had ice tea "split" on him? haha, I like pointing out stupid typos like that. :P