Sunday, September 04, 2005

I’m sick...

My symptoms:

  • Persistent cough
  • Due to the amount of coughing, I’m developing abdominal pain
  • Extremely painful soar throat (to the point where I tear just swallowing my saliva)
  • Occasional weakness (but that may be for today only because I played in a Korean softball tournament for 10 hours, living only on water, Poweraid, a bagel w/ nothing on it and a cheese bun)
  • Quickly change in temperature (I might be developing a fever...)
  • Tiredness

My main problem is the throat... I looked up some of my symptoms and I think it may be one of 4 things:

  1. Strep Throat
  2. Bronchitis
  3. Cold or Flu
  4. Pneumonia

Ugh... I feel like poo and look even worse... first the lump in my armpit and now this... Is God trying to tell me something? But to prevent any spreading and how I feel tomorrow, I might not attend church or the softball events I emailed people about... ~sigh~

Last night, I woke up at 5am coughing my brains out. I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards and basically rolled around and read the Bible until Brian called me at 8:30am about softball. this sucks. (KCSA softball was very fun, btw. We played 3 games, made it to the playoffs and lost to the only undefeated team by 2 runs)

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