Sunday, April 10, 2005

about blogging

I probably sound like a very depressed, short-termpered pessimist according to the way I sound on my blog...

Don't mean to scare you; I'm not usually like this. In fact, 95% of the time I'm in LaLa Land; laughing my brains out with bunnies and sunflowers.

I just feel that stories are more entertaining for the readers when the author is at the very climax of their emotional state. i.e. enraged, ecstatic, miserable, etc. That's why I usually blog sporadically about things that really impact me (or things I feel compelled to share). So, I hope it doesn't seem like I'm yelling at you all the time... because I'm only doing it occasionally, when it really matters at the time. You're my ventilation system!

So now you may be thinking, "Who is she talking to when she refers to 'you'?!"

*heh* ... wouldn't you like to know... O_O


Will said...

May God grant you peace and serenity.

Darren said...

haha your yelling scares me! but I like ur temper flaring blogs =p