Say goodbye to:
- XL bowls of Pho
- 4 double-cheese burgers in one sitting
- 3 jr bacon cheese burgers
- Getting my money’s worth at buffets
- Ice cream for breakfast
- Extra buttery potato goods
- Bumming around on nice-weathered days...
BECAUSE yesterday, I heard my most dreaded comment I had tried to avoid my whole life... and it came from Brian’s mom... on my birthday...
(Translated from Cantonese to English:)
"WA! Julie-a, did you get fatter?"
My face is a little rounder; my muscles are a little softer; my pants, a little tighter... and the scale that never lies... DANG IT!!!!! All those days, gently stepping on the scale (thinking it wouldn’t go as high if I did so), fooling myself to believe that I didn’t gain THAT much weight... has been SLAPPED AWAY WITH REALITY’S CALLOUS HANDS!! WHACK!!
“…hey guys, look over there... there goes my dignity...”
My action plan of summer 2005:
I’m going to run the Nike 10K run (May 29)... non-stop. My new training schedule is to (try to)run 20 minutes a day, at least 3 times a week.
I know you kind-hearted souls out there will try to tell me I’m not fat or I don’t need to lose weight, BUT please don’t do it – don’t tell me. This, technically speaking, is also a healthy living issue. And, also, I don’t take comments about my physical appearance well (positive or negative)... so if you want to help, just pray that I won’t lose my motivation.
As often as it’s affirmed through media; a women’s self-esteem, is directly proportional to their self-worth which is constructed by the amount/type of criticism on their weight and appearance. This isn’t true for many women these days, but I confess that I do have this problem. I can’t take criticism; complements make me prideful, insults make me distraught. What else is there to do than to not say anything at all...
Jog Progress Report:
Today, I ran for 9 minutes, about 4 km/h & walked the rest of the 11 minutes.
I practically passed out by the end of it – symptoms:
Light headed, saw black spots (for about a minute), numb legs (3 minutes), aching eardrums due to wind (8 minutes), tough time inhaling (5 minutes), chest pains (2 minutes)
I'm going to work you like a dog for you to be able to run the 10k. Be prepared...
Keep it up it'll only get easier sometimes you may feel like your getting nowhere just remember you might have to take a step back in order to take a step forward. Believe me.
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