Sunday, June 05, 2005

your needs above my own

I can’t tell you how amazing it feels to be a part of God’s family... Life feels so warm and so comforting. I’m so terribly blessed with all the people God’s put in my life (Christian and non-Christian); it seems like I could do so much more for them! How can you express the love and thanks to those around you, who have taken part to shape the person you are today?
Mere words, I feel, aren’t enough.

Friendship, to me, goes so much deeper than surface-conversations and hanging-out. There’s selflessness – putting the other person’s needs above your own; honesty – no hidden motives, no need to “swear” something is true, no lying; sacrifice – dropping whatever it is you’re doing when they need you; patience & forgiveness – everyone screws up, misunderstands, is stubborn, gets defensive at one point in time, how long does it take to pardon their actions? Empathy – rejoice when you rejoice, weep when you weep, understanding & compassion; Acceptance – even with our imperfections (not tolerance, since tolerance implies “settling” for something other than what you want); Support – not agreement... knowing the other person is there for you whether or not they concur with what you’re doing (other than sinning <- don’t support that)...

Underlying all of that is love. Love Love Love. A simple word with a complex and subjective definition.

Why do I love Jesus? Because He has done all the above and has gone the extra mile for me. The real question is, how can I NOT love Him?

I want to be all of that and more to my friends and family... but as the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.”


Jog Progress Report:

I RAN THE 10K WITHOUT STOPPING!! 64 min was my time... and though it's slower than a lot of ppl, my goal was completed. From running 11 minutes to 64 minutes; goes to show that anything is possible (with a little sweat and motivation from a good friend). ^_^

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