Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Lost: Grey Prison’d Housewife Models... will be found by CSI

I know many people already know this about me, but I don’t watch TV. I’d say the only times I look at the TV is when I’m with other people who “need” to watch something or I happen to enter a room where the television is already on.

In the past month or so, there has been a lot of hype about a bunch of shows I know nothing about. The title of this blog is just some of the key words people tossed around while conversing about hypothetical characters/plots of a show (speaking as if these people are real). I find that quite amusing. It’s kind of like how some girls fall in love with a character from a movie... thinking he’ll really die for his woman in reality. PSHH. Actors/actresses are rolling in dough because they can cause people to feel that way... you would’ve never thought buddy from Gladiator would beat a busboy over the head with the hotel phone (I heard this type of violent behaviour from him is common).

OH, and not to mention how viewers of reality TV shows think they know the participants inside-and-out just because they happen to watch a fraction of their life.

“I can’t believe so-and-so is such an ass! He should be shot and kicked around!”

Okay, no one really said that to me, but you get the point. People act differently when they’re in front of cameras! And a lot of things get edited out so we never know the full/real story.

Sports. I must admit, that’s fun to watch... but some people take it way to seriously. This one time at Kelsey’s, these guys in the booth next to my friends and I were so danged loud about a basketball game, that I/we would’ve smacked them upside the head if I/we were bigger, stronger, faster, and more populated than they. And this was in the middle of the day! Not saying that type of behaviour is okay at night, but in the day, people usually don’t drink themselves stupid. (FYI: When I say they were loud, I mean they didn’t simply cheer when we get a goal, but they yell stupidness throughout the game, talk/swear/laugh deafeningly, and occasionally bang on the table.)

There really is no finalizing point to all this. Just remember, back in the day, teachers called television “The Stupid Box” and if you watched too much of it, you’ll become stupid... but then again who listened to the teacher anyway? Like, no one really thought about what they did wrong when sent to the corner, nor mean it when asked to apologize to another kid and mean it...


Anonymous said...

omg... 4:25am?! u need sleep, miss.

and what's with that picture? does he have liver problems?

Will said...

omg...8:49am?! u need sleeping in, mister.

and what's with that comment? do you have spelling out words in full and capitalizing problems?

Will said...

And for Julee: don't make fun of my 2nd best friend. If I were to ever win any award, I'd thank TV 2nd. :D