Last week was like a tree falling on baby ducks. Gravity represents the inevitableness of the situation; the tree is the heavy load of work/tests and; the baby ducks are the students that had to suffer because of it.
Something I wasn’t too impressed with, however, was that my eating abilities have plummeted. I feel so fragile and girly. Like some kind of giant, overgrown hamster that eats the same amount as its little hamster friends. It’s not a bad thing to eat less... but I had so much pride in how much I could down and now it’s been stripped away from me like Hulk Hogan’s yellow tank top.
Lately, I have also been itching to snowboard. I think I had a dream about it. Too bad the snow’s all gone now... many people are pretty happy about it since it’s warmer. But you want to know what I think? How much a person likes winter is dependant on how much they keep themselves warm outside. If they don’t wear enough clothing; they'll complain that it’s cold; therefore, dislike winter. We need to onion-up with layers!
One more thing: Christmas season starts earlier and earlier. It’s a marketing scam! Stop taking the meaning out of Christmas by masking it with the need to give gifts! That’s not what Christmas is about; put the “Christ” back in “Christmas”!
whoa.. i never thought of onions being like clothes... I always just instinctively related them to ogres.
that being said. poor baby ducks.. they didn't even know what was coming to them :(
this post was gold
your pictures and desciptions made me laugh : D because they were SO good...!! *nod nod* see ya!
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