Monday, October 31, 2005

Can you keep a secret?

I hate that question. But allow me to tell you what I mean when I say “secret.” Just for this blog entry, the term secret is a piece of information that has been told to you and doesn’t involve you. You, the receiver, have acquired a “secret”, and the teller is SHARING about themselves (not “telling a secret” because by this definition, to tell a secret is equivalent to gossiping). If you have a secret, than you now have the responsibility to KEEP IT A SECRET.

If someone trusts you enough to tell you something particular about themselves or something that happened to them, you better keep that trust by keeping your mouth shut. What kind of friend blabs? If you’re not trustworthy enough to keep a secret, what makes you think the new party you’re telling is anymore worthy of keeping it? Once you tell the secret, you’re now gossiping.

Sharing --> receiving a secret --> telling the secret --> gossiping

Also, if what you’re sharing includes more people than just yourself; THOSE OTHER PEOPLE BETTER KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TELLING TO OTHERS AND THAT THE THINGS YOU’RE TELLING ARE ACCURATE. It’s not just your story. And don’t make up BS and tell that BS like it’s true. What you have to understand is that stuff like this always goes back to those you don’t want to hear it...

It’s too late to undue damages, but the first step is to admit and apologize. Why can’t some people just keep their mouths shut? You know what this all goes back to; at the root?



Anonymous said...

No, I can't keep a secret because I don't make promises.

I don't like secrets, and I give no secrets unless it's meant to be one day exposed. "It's expected"

sam.wong said...

hey, want ot hear a secret?

myself and another cell group leader this friday went early to church to bake some cookies for the small group and we burnt 24 out of 48 of them... wow!!!! these were pillsbury cookies too... WOW!!! PEACEOUT.. cu at fall fest YEEEEEEEHAWWWWWWW!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

but seriously now, I agree with you. Which is why I keep a lot of things to myself. Real trust takes a long time to develop (for the most part of course, there's always exceptions)

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