Saturday, October 15, 2005


I was sitting in the back of the bus on my way to fellowship, when I realized how many more people we could fit on a bus if everyone was standing. And then I saw that usually 73% of everyone who takes the bus is more than capable of standing the entire trip [note: statistics may be inaccurate]. After that, I began thinking of practical bus designs... I will call my creation: The Chomobile. (yes, I ocassionally like to name things after myself... =oP)

But before I explain my design, I want to note a few things:

  • The Chomobile is only meant for heavy people-traffic times/places – like during rush hour or going to popular locations (i.e. the CNE, universities at "perk" hours, etc.)
  • If everyone stands, they’d burn more calories and thus, we’ll have a healthier nation! (To a certain extent anyway)
  • Since almost everyone is standing, there wouldn’t be as many people who cut into the lines to get seats... and even if they do, those who were budded wouldn't care as much since there isn’t a lot to run after.

Okay, time to explain the design (following the green numbers labeled):
1. All those thin-table-looking things are ledges for people to put their bags or backpacks on while standing. People could also prop their kids on them if they’d like, but generally, adults wouldn’t do such a thing on a packed bus.

2. There are a bunch of seats in the front reserved for seniors, the less-physically capable people and pregnant women. I believe the drivers should do their best to enforce such deeds (on the Chomobile and on buses today). I noticed that there aren’t too many seniors who take the bus and those who do, sometimes prefer standing. Like this one time, I offered my seat to an elderly lady (because I was sitting next to her husband and there were no other seats left) and she didn’t respond to me. In fact, she turned to her husband, who again was sitting beside me, and said, “I just hate it when people offer their seat to me... What, do they think I’m old?!” o_O Now I'm scarred.

3. That’s a sample pole. Clearly, there will be more placed around the aisles if the Chomobile is actually made. And they will have the “Request Stop” buttons on them like the buses now have for easy, awesome stopping convenience.

4. Say goodbye to “Litter Here” labels with NO place to put our trash in on today’s buses! Introducing the new and improved on-the-bus garbage can! Wow, how did I think of this one... *heh heh*

If I ever think of more inventions/innovations, I’ll be sure to post them. I had a lot more before I discovered they’ve already been invented... like my tear-away underwear for fast and efficient removal (for whatever reasons people need to remove their undies quickly... o_O)! Or my 2-in-1 pen and roll-on whiteout for those with small pencil cases and can’t fit everything! And my bite-sized deep-fried mini-cake bowls filled with ice cream (I wanted this to be my “signature dessert”... but I don’t think it’ll happen. -_-“)!

But anyway, that’s enough about that. Why am I still awake?!, who’s online at 5am??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first off.. you have too much time on your hands... lookit that post you just made... and hten realize how much time you coulda spent doing work!! productiveness!! heh.. jksjks.

secondly i was on at 5 am yesterday >.<
what time do u wake up the next day then? o.O

thirdly regarding the previous post... i kno ppl that wouldve done the same.. not many though.. cuz it shows a rare quality that not many ppl posess.
the fact that you dont approach everything as a skeptic is so rare.. .and endearing.. i think..

although not always the most logical decision.. it doens't really matter... cuz it shows watchu got rite up in hur *points to his heart*

if that didn't make any sense i take it all back!! hehe.. peace out ^^