Friday, October 28, 2005

a royal pain

Someone once asked me, “why is your blog name: minutes to sanity?”
Well, to put the answer plainly, I thought I’d be ranting on about the things I like/dislike on it and that would, in effect, lower my insanity level... therefore, with each post, I become one step closer to being "sane"... whatever that means. o_O


I overheard a girl telling her boyfriend (or husband or possibly brother) she saw a certain coat. She talked about how it was too expensive for her to buy it herself... how it was somewhat unnecessary... how much she wanted it, but couldn’t afford it since she has a low-paying job (apparently). Eventually, after saying a few times, “oh no, I don’t want you to spend so much money on me,” she allowed him to buy her the coat.

These types of girls piss me off. Dang princesses.

Even if you don’t mind paying and you consider $50 bills as loose change, you shouldn’t have to tolerate this kind of materialisticness. That’s just plain selfish on the girl’s part. By buying these “gifts”, you’re spoiling them and fencing them in their own acquisitive behavior. Don’t be stupid; show them how to appreciate what they already have. (Note: I’m being gender-specific because it’s easier to type... I know the roles could be switched in reality, but I believe this way is more common.)

The only thing I think is okay to ask for is food. But not like fancy expensive food, I mean the cheap stuff. Why? Because:
1. You’re more likely to be genuinely “in need” if you couldn’t even afford cheap food and you’re humble enough to ask for something that cheap.
2. Food is a life essential; if they don’t eat; it’ll affect their health, and what good is having a starving girlfriend?
3. It’s easy to repay and to return the favor. If you’re really that poor, you could cook food that’s around for them as your sign of your gratitude... whereas, if they bought you a LuLu Lemon coat, you couldn’t sew up another one as “compensation”.
4. Food leads to waiting... waiting leads to talking... talking leads to knowledge of the other person (and from there, it could go either way: good or bad)... and that leads to touching. *heh heh* (j/k... well, in certain cases it does... o_O)

So, to all you
princesses (male and female) out there: back off, get your own _______! (please fill in blank with materialistic goods)


Anonymous said...

lol ur "and that leads to touching" comment reminds me of that stupid rogers commercial (dun remember what they're advertising 4, thats how ineffective the ad is) where the old man goes "music leads to dancing, and dancing leads to touching" haha...

nice variety of entries...very random but interestin lol


Anonymous said...

I asked assunta for a mini-fridge, and she didn't get one for me! what the heck!

back off! get your own mini-fridge!

Will said...


Rules of the game: Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Also leave a post on their blog space to let these people know.